Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Emotional, Moral and Physical Changes Essay Example for Free

Emotional, Moral and Physical Changes Essay Adolescence is the name given to the period in the life of human beings between the ages of twelve and eighteen years. It is during the period of adolescence that a human being matures from a child to an adult, usually in both the physical as well as psychological sense of the word. That being said, it follows that this is the time in one’s life when one goes through the most numerous and major changes in terms of cognitive, social, physical, emotional and moral development (Turning Points). This article deals with explaining these changes along with relevant examples as well as enumerating options as to and what might be done within an out-of-school care program to accommodate those changes. Adolescence plays a major role in shaping the future of individuals as the decisions and choices that they make while steering through this phase in life are critical in shaping the people that they become in the future (Turning Points). This leads to the conclusion that this developmental stage is the most critical to the development of the individual going through it as well as the larger society that he or she is a part of. Subsequently, growing adolescents have unique learning needs as each person is different and unique from the other, not only in terms of physical appearance such as their face or body but also in terms of their psychological personality. Each person has different strengths, weaknesses, abilities, disabilities, talents and learning potential which needs due attention, especially during this growing stage. The academic years of adolescence are centered on middle school and thus middle schools should ideally be required to provide a secure and compassionate environment so as to develop the talents and strengths of, teach optimal usage of weaknesses and value each individual adolescent that they work for. In the following paragraphs, we will proceed to analyze the changes that adolescents go through. It is critical to note that all adolescents do not grow or learn at the same rate, neither physically nor psychologically. Due to irregular hormonal, body and mental growth, they become â€Å"vulnerable and self-conscious, and often experience unpredictable mood swings† (Turning Points). These changes also affect the way they perceive their surroundings, making them sensitive to and conscious of the implications of their actions to the world at large. Cognitive changes occur at varying rates among adolescents and they usually begin to develop the ability of carrying out abstract thought processes as opposed to only concrete ones as is the usual case n the pre-adolescence years. More important to realize is the fact that this cognitive progression is neither predictable nor dominated by any sense of orderliness. The social aspect of development during adolescence is generally headed by the premise that individuals seek social acceptance from their peers, who assume the role of strong influencers during the years of adolescence. This, combined with the fact that young adolescents become increasingly aware of their bodies and physical appearance make it even more difficult for them to face the changes within themselves and those that they perceive in the world around them. Emotionally, the young adolescent is challenged by the changes he or she is going through making the simplest of daily life occurrences the most challenging of circumstances. On top of this, adolescents become susceptible to taking bold initiatives on grounds of morality as they begin to feel a heightened sense of compassion and concern for the their surrounding environments. The following table present examples of changes in each of the areas outlined above pre-pubescent and pubescent adolescents along with out-of-school steps that could be taken to care for their developmental needs. Problems of Pre-Pubescent Adolescent Learners Area of Change Example Out-of-School Care Cognitive Change A Caucasian pre-pubescent girl begins to question her acquaintances’ prejudice against African Americans Encouraging cross racial relationships and respecting diversity through mentors. Social Change A boy is mentally disturbed about being shorter in height then his class mates. Parents are encouraged to have discussions with the boy about his concern and teach him to look beyond physical appearances, both in himself and in others around him. Emotional Change An adolescent has lately taken to slamming doors after arguments with his parents which have become a usual occurrence at home. Workshops are arranged for parents to handle the emotional changes in their child, where parents share and learn from each others’ experiences. Moral Change A Christian girl is contemplating running away from home in protest against her parents’ prejudice against her Muslim best friend. A mentor is assigned to each adolescent who acts as confidante , predicts the coming problem and deals with the mater accordingly Physical Change A girl becomes aware of her changing body and starts avoiding going out. Mentors and parents are encouraged to take their charges out, have open discussions and take them shopping for their changing needs. Problems of Pubescent Adolescent Learners Area of Change Example Out-of-School Care Cognitive Change As opposed to her parents’ objections, a pubescent girl feels that there is nothing wrong with having affectionate feelings for a boy. Mentors explain to young girls that parents are only human and bound to be unreasonable and that they should consider that teenage crushes are not true love. Social Change A girl starts making friends with teenagers much older then her, whose habits include drug and alcohol abuse. Workshops are arranged for parents to handle the emotional changes in their child, where parents share and learn from each others’ experiences. Parents would then realize that the girl feels misunderstood and is trying to fit in and become acceptable to her peers. Emotional Change A boy starts feeling that he is not wanted by anyone and starts avoiding company. Parents are encouraged to have discussions with the boy about his concern and teach him to look beyond physical appearances, both in himself and in others around him. Moral Change A girl takes up smoking under the premise of that she be allowed to make and learn from her own mistakes. Mentors help in making the girl realize that there are more effective ways to channelize the strength of her morals and discuss relevant examples. Physical Change A girl is aware that she needs certain garments but is too embarrassed to purchase them on her own. Mentors and parents are encouraged to take their charges out, have open discussions, take them shopping for their changing needs and volunteer to shop for things they are uncomfortable to buy themselves until they learn that they have nothing to be ashamed of. Bibliography Turning Points, Transforming Middle Schools: At the Turning Point, the Young Adolescent Learner. Retrieved January 16, 2007, from http://www. turningpts. org/pdf/YALGuide2. pdf

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Free Essay on Nathaniel Hawthornes Scarlet Letter - Three Scaffold Scenes :: Scarlet Letter essays

Three Scaffold scenes - Progression of Dimmesdale In The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne portrays Arthur Dimmesdale as a troubled individual. In him lies the central conflict of the book. Dimmesdale's soul is torn between two opposing forces: his heart, his love for freedom and his passion for Hester Prynne, and his head, his knowledge of Puritanism and its denial of fleshly love. He has committed the sin of adultery but cannot seek divine forgiveness, believing as the Puritans did that sinners received no grace. His dilemma, his struggle to cope with sin, manifests itself in the three scaffold scenes depicted in The Scarlet Letter. These scenes form a progression through which Dimmesdale at first denies, then accepts reluctantly, and finally conquers his sin. During Hester Prynne's three-hour ignominy, Dimmesdale openly denies his sin. Hawthorne introduces Dimmesdale as "a being who felt himself quite astray and at a loss in the pathway of human existence" (64). The author made it obvious that a grim secret lies hidden in the depths of Dimmesdale's soul. This secret, however, does not reveal itself immediately, since Dimmesdale hides it from the closely watching town. In addition, he magnifies his own denial of his sin when he charges Hester to "speak out the name of thy fellow-sinner and fellow-sufferer"(65). By deliberately speaking to Hester as if the sinner were not himself, the pastor makes sure that nobody suspects him. One may also interpret Dimmesdale's speech as a hint to Hester not to name him. He feels he must "add hypocrisy to sin" in order to keep his standing in the town. He thinks that if the town finds out about his sin, they will never forgive him, much like his belief system tells him that God will never forgive him. So great is his relief when he finds that "she will not speak" that he stands in awe of the "wondrous strength and generosity of a woman's heart"(66). Despite an inward wish for his sin to be discovered, Dimmesdale feels better knowing that Hester will not willingly expose him. In this scene in front of the town, Dimmesdale shows his original strength of character, which will diminish along the course of the book. In the middle of the night, seven years after Hester's punishment, Dimmesdale holds a vigil on the scaffold where he finally accepts his sin. The battle within Dimmesdale between "Remorse, which dogged him everywhere" and "Cowardice, which invariably drew him back"(144) leads to a temporary compromise in his midnight vigil.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Locke: Founder of British Empiricist

John Locke had a number of major influences on society in general, but his influences on education have stood the taste of time. His idea of Tabula Rasa, his introduction of empiricism, and idea of the use of all senses are all objectives that are used in schools today. The idea of Tabula Rasa is basically defined as a â€Å"blank slate.† Locke believed that everyone is born with a clean mind, a supposed condition that he attributed to the human mind before ideas have been imprinted on it by the reaction of the senses to the exterior world. â€Å"Thus the first capacity of human intellect is that the mind is fitted to receive the impressions made on it; either through the senses by outward objects; or by its own operations when it reflects on them. This is the first step a man makes towards the discovery of anything†¦Ã¢â‚¬  -John Locke (On Ideas as the Materials of All Our Knowledge) Locke considers the new mind as white paper or wax. It is to be moulded and formed as one pleases. It is up to the teacher to insure that it is formed the correct way and that there is no inate knowledge. This is incorporated into education the grade system. Children start out in kindergarten or pre-school with a blank slate; we start teaching the very basics as if they know nothing. The more information and experience they gather, the further they move along the grade continuum. Locke was considered the founder of British empiricist. He believed that all knowledge comes to us through experience. â€Å"No man's knowledge here can go beyond his experience.† Basically, all knowledge has its origin and end in experience, or perception using the senses. He says, â€Å"Experience is twofold, sensation and reflection. From both sources we obtain ideas.† Sensation is the perception of external phenomena and reflection is the perception of the operations of the mind itself. This view of empirical thinking is widely used in schools today, especially in the science fields. Concepts and skills are much easier to learn if you can experience them. The empirical way of teaching has brought about the use of the scientific method. First, students must observe a situation and decide if there is a problem. Secondly, make an educated guess, or hypothesis, of what will happen. Next, test this hypothesis. If it is true then draw a conclusion. If not, make a new hypothesis and test again. This is a very valuable way to learn. The students get to experience the whole situation and will in tern retain and understand this information better. Along with using empirical methods of learning, Locke insisted that all the senses be used when learning. It is not enough for a teacher to just stand in front of a classroom and lecture; students are only using one sense (hearing) to try to comprehend the material. Locke feels that you must hear, feel, see, smell, taste everything in order to get the full potential knowledge. This is very relative to today's teachings because we, as teachers, need to appeal to all learning styles. Some students learn better visually, others orally and so on, so we have to hit all area in order to give all students an equal chance to learn. In closing, John Locke was a very significant figure on how we educate children today. He gave us the idea of starting students with a clean slate, the use of the scientific method, and the essential use of all the senses. All these ideas are important aspects of today†s classroom and will most assuredly be a continued use in the future.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Essay about Single Fatherhood - 552 Words

Single Fatherhood Single fathers are a minority. They are rare, but growing rapidly as more and more people can fathom a father being able to satisfy the needs of his children. Single fathers are not given sole custody without a fight. A much harder one than what a Mother would have to endure. Normally, custody is given to the mother. Lately, however, fathers are starting to care more about their childrens best interests, and are begining to fight against the sterotypes society has dealt them. Being the child of a single father, I have heard the stories. For 17 years I have heard the stories. But could society have been so blind? No. The courts could have, though. Statistics I have collected showed that even when both†¦show more content†¦Society seems to have a gap between the image of fathers and the actual role of fathers. Now, the fastest growing family unit in the United States are single fathers with sole custody of children under the age of 18. In 1970, there were 393,000 single fathers with sole custody. That number jumped to 1.9 million in 1996. Of these numbers, 48% are divorced, 28% were never married, 18% were seperated, and 5% are widowed. underlying this gradual shift is the attitude more and more people are taking towards men and womens societal roles. Along with being more career oriented, women are starting to feel less guilty about losing custody to their partner, and are finding that they arent always the more suitable parent. At the same time, men are no longer feeling such a strong need to be defined by their job. Also, fathers fear that once they are divorced, they will rarely see their kids, and do not want to be part-time parents. Father-by-default families are another contributing factor to the shift. In this case, the mothers were either not found, or had drug-addiction or alcohol dependency problems, and child welfare agencies sought the fathers. This is most prominent in poverty stricken families. Single father adoption numbers have jumped significantly as well thanks to gay fathers rights groups, and political pressure from the gay community.Show MoreRelatedThe Responsibilities of Fatherhood Essay1307 Words   |  6 Pagesstatistical data rarely differentiate men who are not fathers from those who are fathers. Again, very little information concerning fatherhood and what fathers want is available to people. Written literature on fatherhood and written accounts about fatherhood from men who are fathers are also relatively rare. There is certainty that the environment around fatherhood has increasingly changed when it comes to domestic domain, employment and breadwinning, the structure of the family an d employment (FNFRead MoreIs The Most Socially Consequential Family Trend Of Our Generation?990 Words   |  4 Pageslisted social issues. 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